This Month: A Callback Phishing Campaign, The Tech Community Has The Power to Drive Change, ARC's Managed IT, Humans & AI Are Joining Forces & More
In this hot August edition of ARC Reads, we continue to share the latest tech and business articles that have piqued our interest.
‘Callback’ Phishing Campaign Impersonates Security Firms – A new callback phishing campaign is impersonating prominent security companies to try to trick potential victims into making a phone call that will instruct them to download malware.
The campaign employs a typical phishing email aiming to fool a victim into replying with urgency—in this case, implying that the recipient’s company has been breached and insisting that they call a phone number included in the message, researchers wrote. If a person targeted calls the number, they reach someone who directs them to a website with malicious intent, they said. Phishing article here.
The tech community has the power to drive change — it’s time to use it for good – As a communications professional with more than 20 years in the industry, I can say with certainty that one of the most refreshing and hopeful changes I have seen in the past few years is the increasing authenticity and focus on social activism from tech organizations big and small.
Why Managed IT is a Plus, and How ARC Business Solutions Can Help Your Business – Moving business data, assets and applications to the cloud is a full-time job. But when you add the pandemic and rapidly increasing cybersecurity exposure, the demands on the IT environment have become too complex for a small team, let alone one person, to manage. Full article here.
Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces – Artificial intelligence is becoming good at many “human” jobs—diagnosing disease, translating languages, providing customer service—and it’s improving fast. This is raising reasonable fears that AI will ultimately replace human workers throughout the economy. But that’s not the inevitable, or even most likely, outcome. Never before have digital tools been so responsive to us, nor we to our tools. While AI will radically alter how work gets done and who does it, the technology’s larger impact will be in complementing and augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them.
Magecart Serves Up Card Skimmers on Restaurant-Ordering Systems – Magecart campaigns have been skimming payment-card credentials of unsuspecting customers using three online restaurant-ordering systems, affecting about 300 restaurants that use the services and compromising tens of thousands of cards so far, researchers have found. Creating awareness.
Interested in what you’ve read? Want to learn more about what we do? Contact us today. In addition to keeping on top of tech trends, we provide IT and business solutions to clients across North America.
This Month: A Callback Phishing Campaign, The Tech Community Has The Power to Drive Change, ARC's Managed IT, Humans & AI Are Joining Forces & More
In this hot August edition of ARC Reads, we continue to share the latest tech and business articles that have piqued our interest.
‘Callback’ Phishing Campaign Impersonates Security Firms – A new callback phishing campaign is impersonating prominent security companies to try to trick potential victims into making a phone call that will instruct them to download malware.
The campaign employs a typical phishing email aiming to fool a victim into replying with urgency—in this case, implying that the recipient’s company has been breached and insisting that they call a phone number included in the message, researchers wrote. If a person targeted calls the number, they reach someone who directs them to a website with malicious intent, they said. Phishing article here.
The tech community has the power to drive change — it’s time to use it for good – As a communications professional with more than 20 years in the industry, I can say with certainty that one of the most refreshing and hopeful changes I have seen in the past few years is the increasing authenticity and focus on social activism from tech organizations big and small.
Why Managed IT is a Plus, and How ARC Business Solutions Can Help Your Business – Moving business data, assets and applications to the cloud is a full-time job. But when you add the pandemic and rapidly increasing cybersecurity exposure, the demands on the IT environment have become too complex for a small team, let alone one person, to manage. Full article here.
Collaborative Intelligence: Humans and AI Are Joining Forces – Artificial intelligence is becoming good at many “human” jobs—diagnosing disease, translating languages, providing customer service—and it’s improving fast. This is raising reasonable fears that AI will ultimately replace human workers throughout the economy. But that’s not the inevitable, or even most likely, outcome. Never before have digital tools been so responsive to us, nor we to our tools. While AI will radically alter how work gets done and who does it, the technology’s larger impact will be in complementing and augmenting human capabilities, not replacing them.
Magecart Serves Up Card Skimmers on Restaurant-Ordering Systems – Magecart campaigns have been skimming payment-card credentials of unsuspecting customers using three online restaurant-ordering systems, affecting about 300 restaurants that use the services and compromising tens of thousands of cards so far, researchers have found. Creating awareness.
Interested in what you’ve read? Want to learn more about what we do? Contact us today. In addition to keeping on top of tech trends, we provide IT and business solutions to clients across North America.
This Month: Why Feedback Can Make Work More Meaningful, Design your Transformation for Simplicity, Not Efficiency, An ARC Case Study on Health Automation in Action & More
This Month: How to Make Everyone Great at Data, Let's Get Walking, Increase Shareholders Loyalty, Five Trends in AI and Data Science in 2025 & More
This Month: Is Your Company's Problem Complicated? or Complex?, Seven Keys to a Happy Retirement, Canada's Non-Alcoholic Revolution, The Power of AI to Shape Negotiations & More